Fix Tier 6

Friday, September 22, 2023

A Message from President Robert Richardelli

NYSUT has launched a long term campaign to fix Tier 6 of the retirement system. Instituted in 2012, Tier 6 moves the retirement age for state workers with at least 30 years of service from 55 to 63. This tier is only for people who entered into the retirement system on or after April 1, 2012.

While tier 6 still provides a defined benefit pension to these retirees, it significantly reduces their benefits as they begin to receive them 8 years later. NYSUT is now engaged in a long term fight with the state to fix the issues with tier 6. While this might be daunting, our union has won this battle before for other tiers, specifically teir 4.

This fight is not about winning political points, it is about ensuring that all NYSUT members regardless of retirement tier have a secure and equitable retirement. Click here to find out more about the campaign.