Welcome Back & Happy Labor Day

Monday, September 6, 2021
It seems like just yesterday we sent out the "Happy summer" message to all of you but here we are ready to welcome everyone back to yet another school year!

In a blink of an eye summer has come and gone but hopefully the memories of sunny days and time spent relaxing poolside will last longer than the summer months did!

So here we are on the eve of another school year and while some of last year's challenges are behind us, there are still some left in front of us. Each day, though, provides us an opportunity to connect with our students, collaborate with our colleagues, and get back to what it is we do so well. What goals have you set for the year? What challenges do you anticipate? How can you meet and exceed those challenges? Care to try something new this year? Go for it! Because through all of this the one thing that remains clear and unwavering is this awesome collection of professionals who have persevered and risen to the occasion every single time. So while we may be masked and keeping some distance, remember that it is a physical distance, not a social one.

Enjoy this last long weekend of summer, enjoy the company of friends and family as you grill the hot dogs and roast the corn and take a moment to appreciate the good in every day and welcome the new year with vigor and enthusiasm!

Please keep our troops and their families in your thoughts and prayers. In these uncertain times, take a moment to look around and take a deep breath of gratitude for the opportunities bestowed upon us.

We are also having a back to school and tenure celebration on September 24th from 3-7 PM at Farrell's in West Islip. All members are welcomed to attend and we hope to see as many there as possible to kick off the new school year.


Have a Happy Labor Day BTA and for our Jewish members, a Shana Tova to all.