Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Message from the BTA Election Committee: Keith Fasano (Chair), Leah Weissenger, Jacie Chatterton, Chris Ryan
We would like to update you on the second round of elections. After receiving letters of intent for the building- level positions, there will be two contested elections - that of High School Building Representative and Grade School Building Representative.
As per the BTA By-Laws Article III.7, "In the event of uncontested elections the BTA Secretary will cast a singular vote for the sole candidate of said position."
The election for the contested positions of High School Building Representative and Grade School Building Representative will be held on June 6th in each of the buildings.
Details of voting procedures to follow prior to the election.

Final BTA Meeting Notice with Presentation of Candidates
The BTA will hold its final meeting of the year on Monday, June 4, 2018, at 3:00 PM in Rowe Hall. We will be voting on the 2018-2019 BTA budget, presentation of the BTA Audit report for 2017-2018, swearing in of current officers, and presentation of candidates for building level positions. Please spread the word and encourage fellow BTA members to attend.