Tuesday, October 5, 2021
At this time, the BTA Executive Board is seeking letters of intent from those members interested in serving on the Negotiations Committee. Our current CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) is set to expire at the end of the 2021-2022 school year; therefore, the exchange of proposals with the district is due by November 15, 2021. The number of members on this committee has yet to be determined. We are seeking broad representation from our membership- candidates that will act in the best interest of all members, work as a team, keep all matters of negotiations confidential. It is imperative that all members of the Negotiations Committee attend all negotiation sessions.
Send letters of intent to our BTA Secretary, Melissa Anderson: , no later than the end of school Thursday, October 14th via personal email. Please include:
- In the subject line: BTA Negotiations Committee
- First and Last Name.
- The building you primarily work in and your tenure area and/or grade level taught.
- The number of years you’ve been a BTA member.
- Any other positions you currently hold. (e.g.: Coach, lead teacher, director, clubs, committee member, etc.)
- If there is a specific day and/or time of day that will not work for you for meetings.
- Any other pertinent information that you feel we should know.
The BTA Executive Board will discuss the President’s recommendations and vote on the makeup of the committee at our October 18th Executive Board Meeting. Those selected will be informed by email by October 19th and the committee will be presented to the membership at our General Membership meeting on October 20th.