Monday, May 16, 2022
For the past couple of years BOE elections have been targeted by political organizations to push their agendas. They tend to run on polarizing topics such as: CRT, Masks, Vaccines, and Book Banning and have been pushing against things like Pensions and Tenure Law. A lot of these candidates are wolves in sheep’s clothing and need to be looked at very carefully.
As a Union, we are only as strong as a group. The purpose of these candidates is to divide and conquer. If they are successful then all of the things that we still hold near and dear can and will vanish.
Each local is doing their due diligence to vet candidates and endorse who is best for their school. As your Political Action Chair, I am urging you to vote with the union for union-endorsed candidates. Most locals will send out: Post Cards, Flyers, Letters, Emails, OR Robocalls. Please keep an eye out for these materials and help other locals like we would want them to help us! Attached you will find the endorsed candidates list. Please make sure to vote for NYSUT endorsed candidates!
Another big reason to vote is one that is obvious yet necessary to point out. The Budget! If people get complacent and forget to vote then it risks a budget that can be voted down which can prove disastrous. Please make sure you hit the polls on May 17th and Vote YES!
In Babylon we have open positions. Only 2 people put in petitions: the Incumbent Donna Noesi and the Newcomer Ari McKenzie. Because of this we will not be endorsing anyone this year but we do encourage you to submit a ballot. Please make sure to get down to the High School tomorrow 5/17 between 6am and 9pm and VOTE.